Student Artwork

These two first grade Dragons are talking. This project was an interdisciplinary project in support of an Asian Studies unit on China.

Star Prints on Tissue Paper

Here is an example of star prints which were created by kindergarten students.

Chinese Brushstroke Painting

This beautiful Chinese brushstroke painting was created by a first grader.

Handmade Books

These handmade books were created with collage artist in residence Jane Davies. Our second and third graders made them to hold their artist trading cards.

Medieval Castles and Dragons

Forth graders worked on this medieval landscape.Their Dragons and castles were extremely detailed.They also worked on the concept of light to dark gradations to show the form of clouds and the texture of grass.

Clay Gargoyle

This Middle School gargoyle shows the expertise of attachments in clay appendages. Each horn and leg had to be meticulously scored and bonded in order that it would not fall off during the drying and firing processes.

Clay Whistle

Yes, this whistle really works. This isn't an easy project. This Middle School student did a great job, not only attaching appendages, but also creating a wonderful facial expression in clay.